Museum Alka of Sinj

In dawn of its 300th anniversary, the pride of Croatian tradition and long-lasting cultural historical heritage has finally been given a home in which it can display itself in its full glory. In the heart of Alka halls, in place of the old Venetian republic's Kvartiri – which were the barracks for the Croatian cavalry – now sits a magnificent collection of the Museum of the Sinjska Alka. Between the Petrovac fountain in the south and the Duke's quarters in the north lies a building complex that satisfies even the highest of museum standards. It comprehensively ties the past and the present, and in its priceless value keeps the Alka identity, securing the future for generations to come.
Each visitor will be able to experience the greatness of Alka all year round, culminating in August: from the lavishly decorated original alkars' and alkar's squiers' uniforms, valuable equipment and weaponry, 300-year-old historical objects, to a special attraction – a life-sized display of the Alka procession.
Since the connection between the historical and the contemporary is always present in Sinj in a unique way, one can experience the famous Battle of 1715 in a multimedia environment, as well as browse old Alka statues and ruel books. It is also possible to view a documentary film within the permanent collection, dealing with the history of Alka, which gives a new dimension to the experience of the knightly competitions such as oko sokolovo and čvrsta desnica.
Museum of the Sinjska Alka is a place where everybody – including natives and tourists, young and old – will find something interesting and surely be inspired by a uniques gem of Croatian and global intangible cultural heritage, the value of which is even protected by UNESCO.
A cultural, scientific and a pedagogical-educative institution are united in a unique, professionally designed space, representing, keeping and protecting rich archives.
Muzej Sinjske alke
Boris Filipović-Grčić