"Up to the Source of the Cetina" Cycling Tour

This year also, after their most successful past adventures and to the joy of all fans of this popular sport, the Vlaji Sinj Cycling Association organises the ''Up to the Source of the Cetina'' all-day cycling tour. The cycling tour takes place in 9 of June 2019 and the start is in front of the hotel Alkar at 10:00 am.
The route length is about 85km in both directions. Although there are no extreme cycle climbs, it is necessary to be in good physical condition due to the route length. Beautiful views appear as reward for all the effort: the Balečki Bridge and the Peruća Lake where you can even have a swim near Dabar.
All the participants will have refreshment at Vučipolje as well as lunch after having reached the winning post at the Cetina source (beans and sausages), where they are supposed to relax a bit before visiting the Early Croatian Church of St Saviour.
A police escort is provided during a ride along the main road, as well as an escort vehicle in case someone is unable to continue the ride due to a breakdown etc. Since the cycling tour is not competitive, all adult cyclists can take part in it. The participants are also recommended to wear a cycling helmet.
Apart from cyclists from Sinj and the surrounding area, many guests are expected to come from Split, Livno, Bihać and from other towns, which is, together with the beautiful cycle route and scenery, a guarantee of an unforgettable adventure.