Enjoy your vacation 2024 responsibly

Keep your eye on weather forecast
Take note of the information on dangerous weather alerts and heat waves.
Protect yourself
Avoid direct exposure to the sunlightbetween 10 am and 5 pm. Drinkenough liquids. Wear comfortable,light coloured clothes. Don't leavechildren or pets in parked vehicles.
Be equipped
Do not go on trips into thewilderness alone. Take appropriateclothing and footwear, enoughwater and food as well as a well charged phone.
Assistance in danger
By dialling 112 you can reach the police, firefighters, emergencymedical services, mountain rescue and other emergency services as well as associations within the civil protection system.
Keep the environment safe from fires
It is forbidden to light fires inopen areas. If you see a flame orsmoke immediately call 112 or thefire department directly on 193.
Responsible vacationing