
The event was organized to present traditional Easter dishes and customs. During the pre-season, our goal is to provide all guests with an insight into our rich tradition of preparing Easter meals and special customs, and thus bring them closer to the destination...

Vlado Šestan with his associates Inana Garossi and Dubravka Prpić Znaor came to Sinj on Friday, April 9. During that time until Sunday, April 10, they visited many of the town's sights, tried outdoor activities, and tasted local gastronomy during the pre-season...

>On Saturday, January 15, as part of the 'Get to Know Your Country' project organized by the Croatian Tourist Guides Association, and on the International Recognition Day of the Republic of Croatia, the Sinj Tourist Board organized a free tour of Sinj, in cooperation with...

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Where to stay?
Hotel? Villa? Room?