The Town of Sinj has become a member of the EDEN Network


Launched in 2008 by the European Commission, EDEN (European Destinations of Excellence Network) is a project promoting sustainable tourism development models as well as less developed and non traditional tourist destinations. Due to its potential, recognised through the Alka of Sinj Tournament, the Town of Sinj has deservedly become a member of the EDEN Network. On 23 October 2012, Director of the Town of Sinj Tourist Board Jelena Bilić, MBA, signed the Brussels Declaration on a European Network of Destinations of Excellence for Sustainable Tourism, which commits the signing parties to further investments in sustainable development. Through the organisation of workshops and annual meetings the European Commission and the EDEN Network offer an opportunity for mutual cooperation, exchange of experiences and joint promotion of all destinations of excellence for sustainable tourism.

The social, cultural and environmental sustainability values of non traditional tourist destinations have been recognised by the Ministry of Tourism and the Croatian National Tourist Board. Croatia has participated in the EDEN project from the very beginning but with no claim whatsoever to financial support, as it still has not joined the European Union.

The Croatian members of the EDEN Network include: District of Sveti Martin na Muri, Town of Djurdjevac, Northern Velebit National Park, Town of Nin, Pustara Višnjica, and from 23 October 2012 Etno Village Kumrovec, Tourist Complex Cimper, Papuk Nature Park, Lastovo Islands Nature Park and Town of Sinj.


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Hotel? Villa? Room?